Our goal is to support you every step of the way
to give you, as much as we can,
a stress-free surrogacy journey!

We do understand that not everyone wants the same things for their journey and
that there are different types of budgets, the surrogacy journey alone is already very expensive on itself.

That’s why we wanted to propose 3 types of service to be the most inclusive, we could, of all families and wishes.

Also remember, you can anytime book a free consultation, to get to know us, our services and receive expert tips on where to get started.

If you want to just know more on how a surrogacy planner can help you, you can visit our FAQ by clicking here to read more!

3 Main Services


This service takes the form of a call of an average 1-2 hours. We will explain the whole surrogacy process in details and answer all of the questions you might have.

We will also share in detail our real case with the description of our budget, our expenditures and our challenges during the procedure.

You will leave the call with a full handout with the whole estimated timeline of the project, a real estimated cost for the main surrogacy chosen scenarios and a first step in stone to start your project.

This is our most affordable service.

If you start here, this price can be deducted from the amount of the advisory or unlimited services.

Our role: Informants.

Here we will give you all the information you need to move forward with your project with a key focus on the process, the different options you might have and on the financials.


In this service, we will be with you alongside the whole journey: from Day 1, passing through the magic moment of the birth of your baby until you are back home with your parenthood and your baby nationality recognized by the local authorities, according to your country.

This service is a commitment with a day to start but no day to end, our service finishes when your journey is complete.

We will guide you every step of the way,
help on the budget creation, drive money-saving choices, according to your objectives and risk-profile. Advise you on what to do, weight the hard choices with you, but you will be the one, responsible for taking the actions.

You will have access to our list of high qualified and tested professionals in the US. The best IVF clinics, surrogacy agencies, attorneys in the key US surrogacy states, insurance companies and whatever else you might need..

We will be available at any moment to answer your questions and give you experienced recommendations.

Our role: Advisors.

We are committed to be your orientation guides, your support and to give you the best advices throughout the entire journey.
In this service we are not in contact with the providers, we are mainly in contact with you.
Commitment with no limit of period in time. We are with you until the end of your journey.


This is our highest level of commitment. More than advisors, in this service we will take the complete lead of the project. We will be your Surrogacy Planners!

We will be responsible not only to plan the entire journey but to do anything you might need during this time. Take appointments, book surrogate flights, compare services, be virtually present in meetings, handle the attorneys, the surrogacy agency, the IVF clinic, the hospital, you name it.

It’s an A to Z follow-up of your journey.

Same as in the advisory service our commitment is from Day 1 to when you are back home with your parenthood and your baby nationality recognized
by the local authorities, according to your country.

You will have all services provided on the “Advisory” but with the benefit of us handling everything as project leaders.

Our role: Project Leaders.

A unique proposal in the surrogacy market, a full journey planning from A to Z. We will handle everything you might want.
In this service we will lead and organize, as you want, all providers of the journey, making it easy and smooth for you.
Commitment with no limit of period in time. We are with you until the end of your journey.